Gone NY-Ye Olde Tripple Inn

Ye Olde Tripple InnI was in NYC last weekend, and noticed a lot of places I used to go to, well, gone. I’m sad; not only for myself, friends, etc who frequented these places–but also for the millions of people who never will get to have a similar experience. Gentrification? Probably. But how many corners need a Duane Reade or a Starbucks? Now don’t get me wrong; I luv coffee. But c’mon.Here’s a pic of one of Ye Olde Tripple Inn (ganked from the web, from it’s heyday–the building structure isn’t even there anymore.) If you had the pleasure of going there (mmmm…burgers on english muffins and CHEAP beer!) then you know how much of an icon this place was. Right next to the unemployment office and across the street from (was) Studio 54, then became the (new) Ritz, it was a great place to gather with friends before a concert, grab a beer after work, or bump into a favorite band (Pete Shelley of the Buzzcocks.) 

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